Showing Tag: "revision tips" (Show all posts)

Re-reading is a waste of time!

Posted by Adam Harries on Friday, October 31, 2014,

If you find going back over your textbooks and course notes a tedious, boring and frustrating process, you may benefit from changing your approach, as re-reading material is not thought to be that good at embedding material into the long-term memory.

Check out the video (2 mins) for a quick explanation of a technique you could use instead.

Other suggestions would be to try the flashcards or practice past exam questions without looking at your notes.

Try a few methods and see if any of them help....
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Getting Stuff Done!

Posted by Adam Harries on Thursday, October 30, 2014,

This is a productivity technique so simple, you'll wonder if it's for real. Trust me, this works.

It's called the pomodoro technique, in honour a the little pomodoro-shaped kitchen timer in the pic.

Here's how it works...

  • Set the pomodoro timer for 25 minutes (there are loads of free apps that serve the same function).
  • Work. Study. Whatever. Just do what you've got to do for the full 25 minutes. Total focus. No interruptions. No calls. No email. Anyone can focus for just 25 minutes.
  • After the 25 ...

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Negative highlighting for better revision

Posted by Adam Harries on Wednesday, October 29, 2014,

Using a highlighter when revising new material is a common practice, but it may be a complete waste of time for you.

What often happens is that by the time you have gone through the material, highlighting as you go, there are so many highlighted areas that it becomes useless when you go back through and start reviewing the material.

What may help is an approach that turns highlighting on its head. It involves highlighting the areas that you don't want/need to focus on. This may be because you a...
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